06 June 2007

Relay For Life 2007

This is a long post with pics but i want to share this with everyone.

This was a 16 hour walk (from 6pm Sat to 10am Sun) around a sports track at Bukit Jalil Stadium to:
- celebrate people who survived cancer
- give hope to people dealing with cancer
- to remember those who passed away from cancer

It was also for the care givers, family & frens of those with living with cancer.

PR partner and us manning a booth to sell t-shirts to raise money for the society

participants walking .... and the entertainment that helped keep everyone's spirits up through the 16 hours

lighting of candles to remember those who passed or who are dealing with cancer

in memory of loved ones

the candle lanterns surrounded the entire stadium's track

cancer survivors in a fashion show celebrating life

the last dash at the end of the event ...

thanks for letting me share

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