28 April 2009

Google Maps Track Swine Flu

Found this in one of the twitter feeds I'm following on Swine Flu.


updated: new tracker at: http://flutracker.rhizalabs.com/

Developments On Swine Flu Worldwide from Associated Press on 28 Apr 2009
Key developments on swine flu outbreaks, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, and government officials:

-Deaths: 152, all in Mexico, 20 confirmed as swine flu and rest suspected.

-Sickened: 1,995 people in Mexico got pneumonia but swine flu not yet confirmed. 51 confirmed in U.S., including 28 at one New York City school.

- Elsewhere, six confirmed in Canada; two confirmed in Scotland and seven suspected; 11 confirmed and 43 suspected in New Zealand; two confirmed and 25 suspected in Spain; two confirmed in Israel; one suspected in South Korea; one suspected in France; 13 being tested in Sweden; 12 being tested in Denmark; five awaiting test results in Norway.

-Worldwide: WHO raises alert to Phase 4 of 6, noting disease spreads easily but isn't pandemic.


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