04 June 2009

Happiness Has Nothing to Do with Wealth / Money Can Buy Happiness?

Interesting article about how pursuit of wealth often leads to more unhappiness than pursuing personal enrichment goals.

Article that follows is the flip side of that argument - a Study on How Money Can Buy Happiness.

Both articles are an interesting read.

People's goals were divided into two categories: extrinsic (things like wealth, fame and personal image) and intrinsic (for example, meaningful relationships, health and personal growth). Achieving intrinsic goals led to higher self-esteem and a greater sense of well-being, the researchers statistical analysis revealed.


Study: How Money Can Buy Happiness
You've heard many times that money can't buy happiness. That probably never stopped you from shopping. But a new study suggests you might want to spend more on doing things and less on stuff.

5 Keys to Happiness

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